Ark Tategamori has approximately 300 sheep.
Most of them are black-headed Suffolk sheep, and there are three white-headed Corrydale sheep.
The sheep are not only used for viewing by the guests, but also for mowing the grass on the grounds. They eat grass growing on slopes and bushes that are difficult to mow by hand. Sheep give birth mainly from February to March, and many lambs make their debut on the farm from spring to summer. You can also see cute lambs trailing behind their mothers on the mountain slopes.

The sheep are usually friendly, and I think they may even approach you to beg for food. I think some people might be afraid of the animal house because it leans over to ask for food, but it's not a bad idea because it's not malicious at all. However, when they feed themselves, they flock to the feed box at once and eat the food while pushing and pushing each other. The momentum is really amazing. Even horses are not suited to be obsessed with food. I think it's a wild instinct that if you miss it now, you don't know when you'll be able to eat it.
At Ark Tategamori, we are gradually starting to produce mutton as well as pork. Domestic mutton is really rare and hard to eat. Some people may be reluctant to eat cute sheep, but the taste is outstanding. I would like to do my best to make better mutton.