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Ark Tategamori
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news release

【プレスリリース】アークグループと株式会社若葉が 第1回「令和6年度国内肥料資源利用拡大アワード」で「農林水産省 畜産局長賞」を受賞 
Important Notices
news release

【プレスリリース】アークグループと株式会社若葉が 第1回「令和6年度国内肥料資源利用拡大アワード」で「農林水産省 畜産局長賞」を受賞 

【プレスリリース】Ark館ヶ森 が「日本空間デザイン賞2024」で入選
Important Notices
News from the ranch
news release

[Press Release] Ark Tategamori Selected for "Japan Space Design Award 2024"

【プレスリリース】Ark館ヶ森 施設内設置の来場者案内サインが「第58回日本サインデザイン賞」銅賞を受賞
Important Notices
News from the ranch
news release

[Press Release] Visitor information signs installed within Ark Tategamori won the Bronze Award at the 58th Japan Sign Design Awards

【プレスリリース】Ark館ヶ森お客様感謝祭”肉フェスタ” 開催
Important Notices
news release

[Press Release] Ark Tategamori Customer Appreciation Festival "Meat Festival" to be held

【プレスリリース】岩手県一関市在住のこどもは入場料無料 「館ヶ森サマーバケーション2024/キッズフリーキャンペーン」を実施 大人 1 名につき、こども 1 名の入場料が無料に
Important Notices
news release

[Press Release] Free admission for children who live in Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture "Tategamori Summer Vacation 2024/Kids Free Campaign" will be held. Free admission for one child per adult.

【プレスリリース】岩手県で初!「Ark館ヶ森」が株式会社Luupと事業協力 電動マイクロモビリティのシェアリングサービスの提供開始
Important Notices
News from the ranch
news release

[Press Release] First in Iwate Prefecture! "Ark Tategamori" collaborates with Luup Co., Ltd. to start providing electric micromobility sharing service

「Ark館ヶ森 ファームエントランス」がLIXILフロントコンテスト2022-23 大規模施設部門で銀賞を受賞
Important Notices
news release

“Ark Tategamori Farm Entrance” won the silver award in the large-scale facility category of the LIXIL Front Contest 2022-23

【PRESS RELEASE】循環型農業を実践する「Ark館ヶ森」が国産羊肉「ホゲット」の販売を開始。国産羊は全流通量の約0.6%と希少
news release

[PRESS RELEASE] “Ark Tategamori”, which practices circular agriculture, has started selling domestically produced mutton “Hogget”. Domestic sheep are rare, accounting for approximately 0.6% of the total amount in circulation.

news release

Results of general competitive bidding

news release

Announcement of General Competitive Bidding Announcement

About Ark Tategamori
For those who want to know more

About us

In order to deliver health and the joy of eating, and to connect the future of agriculture to the next generation, we continue to take on challenges here in Tategamori with the same passion that we have had since our founding.

our efforts

Raise, create, deliver, and circulate. A feature of Ark Tategamori is that we consistently carry out all food-related initiatives in-house.

Safe and delicious products

We only make food that our beloved family can eat with peace of mind. We deliver products that are filled with our passion for a healthy and smiling life.