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Things to keep in mind and things to do during the rainy season

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The rainy season is coming soon...

While the rainy season brings rain of blessings to crops, it also causes disaster troubles.

In my work, I am careful about driving vehicles inside and outside the farm during the rainy season.

Driving during the rainy season is different from normal driving.

It becomes necessary and adds psychological strain and stress. Also, on rainy days, the psychology of wanting to go home early is easy to work.

It is said that more and more people will be speeding up in a hurry to get home.

I have to drive a lot of vehicles every day.

I am driving while thinking about safe driving measures such as early blinking of the lamp to leave a distance between vehicles.

Also, as a basic matter, do not neglect daily inspections and repairs.

I will continue to drive safely so that there are no injuries.

Be safe!! ︎ (Gluckauf)

Pig Farming Division Shinichiro Tado

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