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Hello. I am Hatsune Sato from Fujisawa Farm, and I served as the chairman of the 5S activity committee last year.

5S activities refer to "sorting, setting in order, cleaning, cleanliness, and discipline."
Our company has been carrying out 5S activities for many years, and last year we put particular emphasis on "maintaining the 5S activities that we have already carried out" and managed the committee.

for example,,,
-Clean daily
・Attach signs so that used items can be returned to their original places, and put them away properly.
・Make it easier to clean by arranging things considering the line of flow
And so on, we developed 5S activities while valuing the basics throughout the company.

In order to establish 5S activities, I think it is important for each person to always be aware of 5S, or to create a system that allows them to get things done without being conscious of it.

We will work on 5S activities aiming for a better work environment this year as well!

Hatsune Sato, Fujisawa Farm, Pig Farming Division

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