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Warm herbal tea

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cold! !
Autumn is deepening day by day, so much so that I can't help but say it out loud.
Have you caught a cold?

It's going to be a tough time for me, who doesn't like the cold.
Warm kotatsu hot pot
There are many things that can warm your body, but on the long autumn nights.
Would you like to relax while drinking herbal tea?

My favorite is German Chamomile, which has a sweet apple scent! !
It is known as an herb for when you can't sleep.

200ml milk 2 heaped spoons of German chamomile
Heat over low heat while stirring, strain, and serve!
It's delicious if you add honey if you like.

Recommended for students taking entrance exams.
Give it a try! !

Farm Department Yukie Chiba

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