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Red deer love season. duel of stags territory fight

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The season of red deer love has arrived!
The breeding season for red deer is said to be from September to October, and during the breeding season, males fight each other with their antlers, and the winning males form a harem.

The breeding season (love hunting) is currently in full swing at Ark Farm.
The strong male (boss) barks to intimidate other males and chases away young and weak males in order to keep them away from the female. Sometimes they attack violently with their horns, causing serious injuries.

I go inside the fence to feed him, but I get caught between the young male who wants to eat the food and the intimidating boss, and I'm scared every day...
If you were attacked with those magnificent horns, there would be no human being left. I hope the breeding season ends quickly and safely.

If all goes well once the breeding season is over, cute fawns will be born around May to July next year, so I'm looking forward to that.

Ayumi Sugawara, Poultry Department

The boss is the one with the big horns on the left, and the young males are on the right.

The boss who protects the harem.

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