"Circular agriculture"
I believe that this will be an absolute condition for human beings to survive and develop.
Everything starts with soil, water and the sun.
Our company is also engaged in livestock farming.
Thanks to your presence, we are able to establish a form of recycling-oriented agriculture within the region and within the company.
In the future, energy will be one of the themes as a new form of recycling agriculture. Renewable energy.
It is often said that “a pig has nowhere to throw it away”.
In the case of meat, internal organs, bones, skin, head, and pigs, really anything can be used. (Although there are restrictions in some countries)
The same is true of feces.
Negative image is suddenly strong in modern society, especially in Japan, but in advanced livestock and agricultural advanced countries, people have a high degree of understanding of its value (fertilization value, energy value). This is because the understanding that it is indispensable for making soil and making healthy food has permeated.
It will take time, but as I said at the beginning, in order to create a sustainable society, I believe that it is necessary to realize and spread recycling-oriented agriculture in various forms.
We also want to realize such a society through our agriculture.European biogas facility
Fertilizer spread field
dry fertilizer
Tomoatsu Hashimoto