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Spring has arrived in the fragrant garden...a fun time for gardeners.

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Even though the days were warm and warm, I was dizzy when it started snowing.
The beautiful weather continues.
Kaoru Kaze Garden is currently closed, but there are lovely flowers.
It's blooming♪

Native to Europe, AmaryllidaceaeSnow Drop(Japanese name: Machiyukiso)
The plant is about 10 cm tall and is very cute, and the way the flowers bloom downwards is very pretty.

The first early spring flower in the garden! !
Snowdrops bloom as the snow melts, and here's how they bloom.
I was looking forward to it, but unfortunately it didn't snow at all this year.
I couldn't see it (tears).

narcissusAbout this much

tulipAbout this much

The leaves are peeking out, making it look a little cold.
Since the winter was warm, it looks like the flowers will bloom early this year.

I've finally finished pruning and fertilizing the roses, now all that's left is to wait for them to sprout.
rose garden.

There's still some weeding work left to do, but for now I'll do some work in the rose garden.
Maintenance has ended.

Spring is the busiest time to work in the garden, but it can also be the happiest time of the year.
I have.
Plant new seedlings or see how plants transplanted last year are growing.
What kind of garden will it be? I can't stop being excited.
from now onfragrant wind gardenLook forward to it~♪

Katsue Oikawa, in charge of the fragrant wind garden


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