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move to a new department

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My name is Konno and I have been transferred to the farm department of Tategamori Ark Farm.
This time, we will mainly deal with toll booths.
Even though it's already the middle of April, it's still chilly these days.

Until now, I was inside the farm market.
I wonder if my body can withstand the outside temperature.
However, I can feel the scenery and the outside air more physically than before, and I can feel things like flowers, animals, etc.
I'm also really surprised at the number of greenhouses that grow vegetables from farms that I use.
The farm department also has to work in the heat,
I was able to see many things that I didn't know before.

Now, as for the situation inside the farm,
Despite the recent strong winds, flowers are starting to bloom here and there.
Not only the cherry blossoms but also the pansies are blooming beautifully, and the tulips are almost at their peak.
When you step inside the garden, you will never get bored as it is beautifully maintained.
We hope you will spend a relaxing day at Ark Ranch with your family and friends during the holidays.

Starting this year, admission tickets have changed.
The back side is a stamp rally, where you can collect stamps from 7 bus stops within the park.
If you press all of them, you will receive a gift at the farm market.
The kids seem to enjoy it.

There is a pony near the tollbooth where I am.
He comes over every day as if he knows I'm coming.
I say ``Good morning'' and pat my head.
There are also rabbits and peacocks. Peacocks spread their wings and make loud noises.
It's getting warmer, so please come and visit us.
I hope to see you all first.
We'll be expecting you.

Tollgate person Konno

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