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A friend who is pitching with all his might

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All of us members of the farm club who work outside every day are tanned and ``pitch black.''

Anyway, it's hot every day at Tategamori Ark Ranch in southern Iwate Prefecture.

However, it doesn't mean that every day is illuminated by the bright sun.

Especially recently, the weather has been repeating cloudy, rainy, and sunny, and the weather has never been the same for three days in a row.

In such a situation, the weeds are particularly energetic and ``the grass grows quickly...''

Still, I still thought, “I can’t bear to lose…!!”

"I'm going to mow the grass today too."

We have members who cut the grass every day during the season. Thank you and good work!

An important friend, an important friend.

thanks so much.

Farm Department Shigehiro Fujino

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