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The frost of the 24 seasonal seasons has passed, and the next seasonal season is the beginning of winter.
New Year's cards are about to go on sale, and little by little, people who are becoming teachers for December are
Has it just started its run-up?

What will be the word of the year? .
I think one of the entries is the word ``disaster.''
This year has been a year of many natural disasters.
In Hiroshima, where the West Japan Office is located, the effects of the disaster are still felt, and some people are living in temporary housing.
There are many of them.
With the hope of helping such people, we are collecting donations within Ark and will be sending them to the Hiroshima Prefectural Office on October 30th.
I have decided to deliver it to you.
It is said that Hiroshima has a strong sense of unity due to its past.
I pray that each and every one of you will be able to return to your pre-disaster life as soon as possible.

The ginkgo trees on the street are starting to change color, and the ears of rice waiting to be harvested are changing color.
After that, it will turn into a winter color.

West Japan Office
Hirotaka Oka


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