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What part is pork loin? How to eat deliciously? I will teach you various things!

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Yesterday, there was a big event called "Gottsuo Marathon".
Gottsuo = feast We had a delicious pork feast at our ranch's restaurant Tills.

Appetizing pork loin in a gorgeous event
I would like to explain a little.
Pork loin is used in various dishes such as (pork cutlet) and (ginger grill).
You can use it widely.
Even if you say (loin meat) in one bite, (pork loin) and (pork shoulder loin)
Did you know that there are two types of
(Pork loin) is the meat on the back side from the chest to the waist.
The fat on the surface of the meat has an indescribable umami and flavor, and
It is said to be a luxury item because of its meat quality.
(Pork shoulder loin) refers to the arm part.
The red meat and fat are marbled, and the original depth and flavor of pork
It is a part that can be tasted. Affordable compared to (pork loin)
You can get it for the price.
And enjoy the deliciousness of the two types of roast meat from this Ark.
How to get it... that's right! Salt and pepper! ! simple seasoning
That's why I want everyone to taste the umami of meat that shines.
While fun events continue, influenza, norovirus, etc.
It's also the season when the devil's hand creeps up.
In addition to the three principles of (hand washing) (gargle) (sleep), it is also a good source of protein.
Please add (Ark pork) rich in vitamin B1, which has a high fatigue recovery effect.
And let's get through the cold and long winter in good spirits!

Farm Market Atsunori Onodera

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