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Toward the next development

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These days, Oita's cool mornings and evenings make it feel like early autumn.
Summer in Iwate quickly turns into autumn, so if you don't get used to it, it's hard for your mind and body to transition (lol)

Meanwhile, our staff is also working day by day while facing living things and feeling the changes that occur on a daily basis.The accumulation of each of our daily efforts today will help us realize what we will be like in 5 to 10 years. In other words, it determines the future.

On a different note, we are currently in the process of building and building new farms at various planned locations within the company.
This will be our largest investment since our founding, and it will also be a huge challenge.

Now that the disease problem is becoming more serious both domestically and internationally, the world's pork production is plummeting.
We are engaged in food production, or agriculture, in order to support the lives and health of people in the future, or more specifically, to foster ``healthy lives that will be passed on to the next generation.''

It will take about 2 to 3 years before a pigpen will be built on the blank plot of land as shown in the photo, and pigs will be raised.

It's a tough time, but please wait for a while until we can deliver products that will please our customers! !
Tomoatsu Hashimoto

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