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Lambs born this year now...

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The Suffolk lambs born during the winter have grown quite large;
I started grazing with my mother sheep last month.
The grass grows fast, but the lambs grow just as fast!
I think I'll catch up with my mom in no time.
Mother and cubs are happily running around in the large pasture.

The mother sheep has also been sheared and looks refreshed, so I can't tell which one is the lamb (^-^;
As the lambs grow older, the mother sheep has a hard time feeding them.
The mother sheep may become thin due to the powerful pursuit of milk.
There, the lambs live separately from their mother sheep when they are around 3 months old. (weaning)

This child is now separated from his mother...

It has grown so much (^^)
This is BB (Big boy).
Special skill: Escape (lol)

The grazing area for sheep mothers and their calves is also close to the huts for grazing pigs.
You may be able to see a mother and her child going outside together with a sheep and a pig.

What is the Suffolk breed?

A large meat breed native to England.
The head and limbs have no wool and are covered with short black hair.

There are also rare whitish children.

This child's name is Shiro-san (lol). This is BB's mother.

Department of Agriculture and Stock Animal Management
Sugawara Ayumi


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