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Recommended aroma for the coming season♪

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The beginning of the rainy season has been announced in the southern Tohoku region, and it has become a hot and humid season.
This time, we will introduce aromas that will help you survive such a season!

The aroma recommended this time is "Peppermint".
Peppermint is characterized by its refreshing and refreshing scent.
It's a recommended aroma for summer nights when it's hard to sleep.

The peppermint essential oil introduced this time is sold at the Herb Hall.

For those who are new to aromatherapy, we recommend using it together with the aroma stone.

You can easily enjoy aromatherapy by adding a few drops of essential oil.

This aroma stone is also sold at the Herb Hall.

In addition to the peppermint essential oil introduced this time, Herb Hall handles many kinds of essential oils.

The Herb Hall has staff who are knowledgeable about aromas and herbal teas, so please feel free to ask them when you visit.

Natural Food Restaurant Tills Arisa Chiba

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