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I have moved to Fujisawa Farm!

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My name is Souta Ichikawa and I have been transferred to the Fujisawa Farm breeding pig farm since April of this year.

Until last year, I was working in the farrowing shed at Hanaizumi Farm, but starting this year, the farm has changed and my duties have also changed, so I'm approaching my work with a new mindset!
At Fujisawa Farm, my main job is to impregnate mother pigs.
My job is the start of every stage, so I have a lot of responsibility, but it's rewarding and I'm living a fulfilling life every day.

As we are a farm that handles Tategamori Plateau pigs, we are encouraged by the feedback from our customers more than ever. I would like to continue working with pigs with love so that we can continue to produce delicious pork!

Fujisawa Farm Breeding Sub-Leader
Sota Ichikawa

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