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Only seen in winter! Tell me about animals and their interesting habits.

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The days are getting longer and I can't wait for spring.
Actually, the cold days continue, but how are you all doing?

At Tategamori Ark Ranch, the animals are divided into "outside group" and "middle group" during the winter season.
The cold-hardy ponies, deer and sheep are out for lunch.
Pigs and chickens that are sensitive to cold stay indoors.
(Swine is for swine fever, and chicken is for bird flu.)

Meanwhile, the animal that can only be seen in winter is... a restless sheep.
"Fuzzy"...? ? ?
At this time of year, the sheep enter the calving season.
At that time, when you have a feeling that contractions are coming, you start to feel nervous.
Restless and "frustrated" (sometimes children speak loudly) "fizzy".
The breeding staff will keep an eye on the situation, make a forecast for the birth of the day,
We are preparing.
However, it seems that this "frustration" sometimes "fails".
It's not "imaginary pregnancy", but "imaginary contractions are coming!"
It is quite difficult for visitors to encounter and discover "winter characteristics of sheep"
However, if you can find it, it will definitely increase your love for sheep.

The ranch in winter is also quite nice.
Please come to change your mood.

Marketing Department Tsukasa Takagaki

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