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The new breeding piggery is running smoothly!

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I think there are many people who are starting a new life in April, but how are you all doing?
It seems that the new coronavirus is still raging nationwide. Please take care of yourself.

Although there are many dark topics these days, the new breeding piggery of Hanaizumi Farm, Pig Farming Division, which has been in operation since last year, continues to operate smoothly.

The three new breeding houses have a total floor area of 7,210 square meters. About 2185 tsubo, 28 tennis courts!
Roads around the pigsty and ancillary facilities (feed tanks, etc.) will be added to this, so how many square meters will it be?
In this large breeding house, the cute little pigs that came all the way from Denmark become excellent mothers and give birth to the next generation. We take care that our pigs are happy and healthy every day.

In addition, as a new facility in the new breeding house, the whole building is equipped with a "deodorizing device".
No matter how much effort is put into food, water, and environmental management, one problem that persists in the livestock industry is 'odor'.
Our farm is located in a rich natural environment, but there are also several private houses nearby.
A deodorizing device has been installed in the newly constructed breeding house to remove odors so as not to cause discomfort to local residents.
I won't go into a complicated explanation, but in front of the large ventilation fan that exhausts the air from the piggery, I installed a green wall material like the one in the photo to prevent odors from being emitted outside by the action of microorganisms.

In order to continue to deliver delicious and safe pork to our customers, we will work hard to manage the health of our pigs and take environmental measures.

Last but not least, our new brand pork "arc pigThank you!

Hog Farming Division Hanaizumi Farm
Nobuhiro Sasaki

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