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Second half business development plan presentation [10/6 (Wednesday)]

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The state of emergency has been lifted, and the number of new coronavirus infections has been declining.
I hope everyone hasn't changed.

The other day, October 6th (Wednesday), Ark Co., Ltd.'s 50th second half action plan presentation was held.
It's been a while (1 and a half years) to gather in Ichinoseki, Iwate Prefecture.
Of course, the event will be held with seats spaced apart to ensure social distancing.
How do we move forward in the second half of this year? Everyone reviewed the policy explanation from top management and the presentation of each department's action plan.
Although it was a short time, we were able to see everyone's cheerful faces for the first time in a while, and it was an opportunity for the entire company to come together.

This year is also a year of big changes.
A lot of things are happening, but I would like to steadily move forward one step at a time.

The following day, October 7th (Thursday) 22:41: Was everyone okay with the earthquake with a seismic intensity of 5 or above that centered in the northwestern part of Chiba Prefecture?
It was a big earthquake reminiscent of the Great East Japan Earthquake, and I felt very scared.
Everyone, please be careful.

Ranch Division Sales Department
Kazuto Matsuura

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