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About Cybozu

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Hello. This is miura from the agricultural department.

This time, I would like to introduce “Cybozu,” which is used by Ark Group.

All staff are assigned IDs and used on PCs, tablets, and smartphones.

It is used for various purposes such as information sharing within and outside the department, schedule management, and data file management.

There is a "confirmed" button so that you can see if the sent content has been viewed.

As a result, information is shared correctly, and if there is a mistake in the content, it is possible to point it out in the comments. By leaving a history as data, I feel that the number of things I said or did not say has decreased.

In addition, daily information sharing such as daily physical condition management and driving management is carried out through Cybozu.

Compared to when I joined the company, the number of staff and facilities has increased, and every day I realize the importance of information sharing.

Naoki Miura, Agricultural Department

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