The baby sheep boom continues!
This year, four groups of about 20 ewes each are scheduled to give birth, totalling about 80 ewes.
The first group of chicks began giving birth in mid-January after the new year, and since each group's breeding season is staggered by one month, the second group is currently experiencing its peak birth season.
A trend this year is that a relatively large number of lambs are born with a good build, and are often quite sturdy.

The baby was so big that it took a while for it to be born, so I sometimes had to help out... (laughs)
The newborn lambs stay in a private room with their mother.

Among them, the thing that concerns me this year is:
Is it because it's cold?
Is it because it's comfortable?
Are they just playing?
What's interesting is that many lambs are seen riding on top of their mothers.

It may be easier to climb on top of a sleeping mother, but some brave lambs were able to balance themselves well on top of their standing mother, and they pointed their cell phone cameras at her, taking photos and videos with big smiles on their faces (^^).

It's okay when they're small, but please stop when they get older...
Once the lambs reach a certain size, they are taken out of their individual pens with their mothers and join the rest of the flock.
At first, many of the lambs are separated from their mothers and cry, but once they get used to each other they run around together, playing and eating food together.

During their relaxation time, the baby seems to spend the time peacefully, going to his mother to be breastfed or sleeping snuggled up to her.

The cuteness is updated every day, so I can't take my camera off (lol)
It's okay. I have a good job.
I hope that he continues to grow big and healthy.
There are still two more births to come, so the baby boom will continue.
Department of Agriculture and Stock Animal Management
Sugawara Ayumi