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News from the Garden of the Scented Wind

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Even though it's late September, the days are still sweaty, but autumn flowers are blooming in the garden.

Anemone anemones bloom to brighten up the autumn garden.

Neat white flowers and pretty pink

And also rare double-flowered species.

Anemones can be enjoyed until the end of October.
Although the name has chrysanthemum, it is a member of the anemone family.
We recommend collaborating with a pure white gazebo (Seiyo Arbor)\(^o^)/

Perennial Salvia has also bloomed beautifully.
This year, we expanded the area and planted mainly amethyst sage.
Fluffy flowers are soothing.
Flowers with a slightly sweet scent are recommended for cut flowers and dried flowers.

Salvia ​​​▪︎​Yellow Majesty
Bright yellow flowers are eye-catching.

The large, showy flowers are very beautiful.
The stem is square, so please touch it (*^-^*)

Perennial salvia and roses will become more beautiful with the coming temperature difference,
The rosehip will also begin to color.
Please enjoy the autumn garden.

Katsue Oikawa, Agricultural Department


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