Hello everyone.
The coldest period of the year has passed, and the cold air stings our skin every day.
There is an infectious disease going around these days, but we want to continue to welcome spring without giving in.
Now, did you know that Ark Tategamori is selling lamb for a limited time?
This time, the order period is from December 27, 2024 to January 29, 2025.
[Tategamori Plateau Sheep Lamb] A limited edition of 70 sets are now on sale at our online store.
The Tategamori Highland Sheep has been very popular, and this time we are offering them without waiting for the last day of the order period.
All 70 sets have been sold out. Thank you everyone.

99% of the lamb distributed in Japan is imported, so domestically produced lamb is very rare.
Due to the recent swine fever outbreak, the free-range pig project at Ark Tategamori had to be suspended.
We want to utilize the know-how we have cultivated in pasture-raised pigs in lamb production.
We have come to where we are today through repeated trial and error and challenges.
We hope you will enjoy our passion at Ark Tategamori and the high-quality domestic lamb.
For those who missed out on purchasing this time, or those who are considering purchasing,
The next time we will be selling "Tategamori Highland Sheep Hogget" is scheduled for September 2025. Please look forward to it!
Please continue to support Ark Tategamori as it continues to take on new challenges.

Marketing Department Rie Sugawara