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Introducing Tira Farm Cast

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This is an introduction of the activities of Tira Farm Cast within the ARK Group.

There is a flush work for the pig's room at the pig farm.
The photo shows a female cast using a high-pressure hose to clean every corner.
Safety is our number one priority, and we work together with our instructors.
It is work that requires strength, but it seems that they are working on their goals
I can feel it.

At Tira Farm, there are more places where female cast members can contribute.
Even cast members who are not confident in their work can work together with instructors to improve their skills.
At the same time, I would like to continue to provide support for making a leap forward into society.

The male cast is also active every day.
I hope to be able to introduce the success of the male cast next time.

Tira Farm Instructor Toru Chiba

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