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Company Pig Fest!!

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The "Company Pig Festival" began yesterday evening.

Thanks to the thorough advance preparations made by the Sports Day/Company Pig Festival Executive Committee, together with the restaurant and manufacturing and sales departments, it was a wonderful festival.

Restaurant Tills was transformed into the Festival Hall and its first attraction was a pork butchering show.

Participants had the opportunity to try cutting meat on the bone with a sharp knife that they would not normally use, and the thick slices they cut drew thunderous applause and cheers!

The person in charge of grilling them grills them one after another, and then everyone eats them one after another! It's a rare experience.

And then there was an "arm wrestling tournament" where each department showed off their strength! In the men's division, the perennial winner was the winner, as expected! In the women's division, a slim girl who at first glance looked like she was a bit of a wimp (lol) won! (Actually, she was the only woman in the pig farming division's fattening department!)

This year's fall company event included a bingo game with a twist, making it a really fun and exciting event.

Shizu Hashimoto

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