Hello, my name is Makino and I am in charge of poultry farming. Today I would like to talk about egg-laying boxes and perches, which are important pieces of equipment for keeping chickens healthy and comfortable.
Egg-laying boxes are places where chickens can lay eggs in a safe and clean environment. Chickens instinctively perceive dark, narrow, and quiet places as safe. Since they have produced offspring by laying eggs in such places, installing egg-laying boxes will encourage them to lay eggs in them. Using egg-laying boxes also helps prevent eggs from breaking and keeps them hygienic.

Perches are also a place for chickens to perform their instinctive behavior. Chickens originally have the habit of perching on tree branches. In the wild, they survived by perching in high places to protect themselves from predators. Chickens are also gregarious, and the stronger individuals tend to win the higher places. Perches are also necessary to maintain order within the group. In addition, perching on a perch strengthens the leg muscles and improves health.

Providing these facilities allows the hens to behave naturally, reducing stress and helping them produce better eggs.
We will continue to practice breeding methods that prioritize the health and comfort of our chickens, and work hard to provide delicious eggs to everyone, so please support us!
Agricultural Department Takumi Makino