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Sheep Journey

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The hot summer weather continues, but how are you all doing?

In our home city of Ichinoseki, we are seeing more and more days where we can feel cooler in the mornings and evenings. (Although it is still quite muggy during the day.)

Meanwhile, I recently went on a "sheep trip" on a business trip to Hokkaido.

The purpose of this trip is to learn about the lamb business that we have been working on in recent years. We are still confident in providing our products to our customers, but we are aiming to provide products of even higher quality, so this is the purpose of this trip.

I had the opportunity to visit some of Hokkaido's renowned producers and related facilities, learn a lot through inspections and information exchanges, and I am truly grateful to all those involved.

Of course, I have also had the opportunity to try lamb.

It was a very meaningful opportunity for us to see the outside world and learn a lot from it, but at the same time, it also gave us more confidence in the lamb we produce.

We will definitely continue to produce lamb that satisfies our customers! Please look forward to the "Tategamori Highland Lamb" in the future!

Tomoatsu Hashimoto

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