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Carry out 5S activities

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Hello everyone!

Although the humidity is still high, the number of rainy days is decreasing, and it feels like the rainy season is coming to an end.

Ark Tategamori is proactively implementing 5S activities.

The 5S activities are: organization, order, cleaning, standardization, and discipline.

It is often used in the service and manufacturing industries.

The bakery where I work has also implemented 5S activities to make things easier to use.



We have rearranged the items so that they are fixed in place and can be hung.



There were various items stored at the back of the wheat storage area, but we tidied up the area to make it look better and removed any items we were not using.

Just by making a few changes like this, you can create a clean and easy-to-use work environment!

We would like to continue to maintain this beautiful state and make efforts to improve it to make it even easier to use.

Manufacturing and Sales Department Farm Market Sayaka Ito

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