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News from the Garden of the Scented Wind

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It's been hot every day.

People are having a hard time with the heat,

The plants in the garden are also feeling a bit exhausted from the summer heat.

Amidst all this, Lantana, which loves the heat, is blooming vigorously.

Lantana Native to South America Verbenaceae

It is an evergreen small shrub that grows vigorously, so care must be taken when cultivating it in areas where there is no frost.

In Iwate, it is treated as an annual plant because it cannot survive the winter.

The Japanese name is Shichihenge.

As the name suggests, the flowers change color.

They will continue to bloom one after another until autumn, providing a delight to us.

When you go for a walk, be sure to take some time to enjoy the sights and bring some water and sun protection.

Katsue Oikawa, in charge of the fragrant wind garden

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