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Tategamori Highland Pork Loin and Belly

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It has been raining continuously at Ark Tategamori in Ichinoseki City, Iwate Prefecture.

It would be fine if it was just hot, but it's humid and the discomfort index is really high.

But, despite the weather, it is still summer!

Of course there are risks such as heat stroke, but I want to enjoy summer to the fullest!!

First of all, eat well!!

Today let me introduce you to a product that is a little different from usual.

"Tategamori Highland Pork Loin & Belly"

At first glance, some people might think, "Isn't that loin?", but if you look closely, you'll see that it's a little long for loin.

The loin and belly parts are positioned next to each other.

This product is cut so that there is a little more pork belly than pork loin.

In other words, this product allows you to enjoy both loin and belly meat at the same time.

The word "loin" has the nuance of "meat around the waist."
By the way, tenderloin is the fillet part. Tender means soft or tender.
One theory is that sirloin was given the honorific title of "sir" because the loin cut was so delicious.

"Belly" refers to the meat around the ribs.
There are theories about the origin of the name "rose" that it is a corrupted version of the word "berry" or that it comes from the rib.

This is a beef belly.

I'm just kidding (^^)v

The selection of "Tategamori Highland Pork Loin and Belly" is irregular.

If you come to our store and find it, we hope you will feel lucky and purchase it.

Ark Tategamori Farm Market is a highly ambitious pork specialty store.

We will continue to strive to make our customers' pork shopping experience enjoyable.

All our staff look forward to your visit.

Thank you for reading to the end.

Manufacturing Sales Department Toshihiro Kamoda

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