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Future flower care

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The temperature has finally started to drop a little bit recently!

Here we will introduce how to care for flowers and herbs that have survived the hot summer.

What to do this coming fall

Pruning and fertilizing flowers.

Pruning means neatly cutting off leaves and branches that have grown too long during the summer.

Just like human hair, plants look better if you cut off the excess hairs regularly.

It also helps the flowers bloom better, so be sure to give it a try!

Next comes top dressing.

Flowers that bloom profusely during the hot summer may lack fertilizer, causing them to fade or not bloom well, but they will thrive again if you give them more fertilizer.

It depends on the type of flower,

Especially herbs, which don't need much fertilizer.

It slowly penetrates over time

Slow release fertilizers are suitable.

Also, although it must be raised periodically,

We also recommend liquid fertilizers that can be used for a variety of flowers!

However, pruning and fertilizing

Depending on the flower, some may want it and some may not.

There are,

Find out about the flowers in your home

Please take care of the flower in a way that suits it!

Agriculture and Pasture Department Sena Ozaki

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