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To survive the heat

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Hello everyone.
The heat is getting more intense all over the country these days.
The chickens raised at Ark Tategamori are also exposed to this heat.
The chickens look even hotter because they have feathers.

To make life a little more comfortable for our chickens, we are taking a few measures to combat the heat!
One is to install fans inside the chicken coop.

In this way, several fans are installed inside the chicken coop to blow cool air onto the chickens, lowering their body temperature.
Another thing is to install shade curtains in the pasture.

By installing this large shade curtain, the chickens can still stay in the sun even when they go outside.

↑The chickens look like they're enjoying the cool weather under the shade curtain.
By taking several measures like these, we are devising ways to help the chickens survive the summer heat.
If you come to Ark Tategamori, be sure to come and see the chickens!

Hiroki Ito, Agricultural Department

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