Hello everyone. My name is Musashi Onodera and I am in my first year at the company, working in the bakery production and sales department. It's almost the end of the fiscal year, and it's already been a year since I joined the company. This time, I would like to write about my impressions of the first year, including the growth I have achieved.
When I first joined the company, I had no idea what society was like, and I spent my time feeling anxious and a little hopeful about my future.
While doing my daily work, I have not only improved my work skills, but more than that, I feel that I have grown as an individual and as a person. Unlike when I was a student, I believe that being able to build relationships with a variety of people, such as interacting with people from a wide range of age groups and interacting with people across departments, has led to my personal growth. As I interacted with so many people, I found it interesting to learn and learn new ways of thinking and doing things that were different from my own. I think I've grown a lot since a year ago, when I wasn't very good at interacting with people.
From the perspective of larger society, my growth may still be small, but I will continue to grow little by little and strive to become a fine member of society. I hope everyone will value their interactions and relationships with all kinds of people.